Chapter of life
A split family
In the midst of two worlds, a child’s heart beats,
Bound by circumstance, where two homes meet,
A life divided, between mother and father,
A journey unique, where emotions gather.
Like a bird with two nests, he learns to fly,
Between two abodes, under two distant skies,
A suitcase of dreams, his constant companion,
In a tale of resilience, a young heart’s anthem.
With every transition, a chapter anew,
He weaves a narrative, both tender and true,
A life of duality, a delicate balance,
Navigating love’s intricacies, a complex dance.
In one home, he finds warmth and embrace,
A haven of memories, a comforting space,
In the other, he discovers stories untold,
A world of adventures, where dreams unfold.
Though distance may separate, hearts stay entwined,
A love that endures, transcending confines,
Through tears and through laughter, he learns to adapt,
A strength deep within him, unbreakable, intact.
But let us not forget the challenges faced,
A sense of displacement, a puzzle retraced,
For a child’s heart yearns for stability’s song,
A place to belong, where he truly belongs.
Yet in this journey of trials and tests,
He discovers resilience, a courage that rests,
In the depth of his spirit, a flame ever bright,
Guiding him forward, through day and through night.
Let us stand as witnesses to his tale,
A child’s resilience that will forever prevail,
In the midst of two worlds, he finds his own way,
A symbol of hope, in the light of each day.
So may we offer compassion’s embrace,
To the child who learns to navigate grace,
Between parents’ homes, he learns to share,
A journey of love, a life rich and rare.